
Industrial thickener is a highly purified and modified raw material. It can improve the performance of heat resistance, wear resistance, heat preservation, anti-aging and other chemical actions of the product, and has excellent thickening ability and suspension ability. In addition, it also has good dispersion fineness and a wide range of applications.

Industrial thickener is mainly used as water retaining agent, thickener, stabilizer and adventitious agent in architectural coatings, architectural putty, foaming cement board, external thermal insulation mortar and a series of anti crack and waterproof coatings. Make the coating bright and delicate, improve the construction effect and enhance the bonding strength. Reduce the amount of rubber powder, cement, lime calcium, gypsum powder and other inorganic binders, and reduce production costs.

Recommended use of industrial thickeners:

Before using the industrial thickener, prepare a container, put appropriate water in it, then put appropriate Thickener (0.2%-1.0% of the total formula), and continue to stir for about five minutes. During this period, if there is a requirement for pH value, you can add residual water and sulfur and stir for another five minutes to reach a certain consistency. When using thickeners, the first thing to pay attention to is the season. The dosage in summer and winter is different, and the difference between the two seasons is one quarter. At the same time, add salt water and stop stirring, so that the transparency will be higher.

Precautions for using industrial thickener:

First of all, it should be noted that industrial thickeners contain hydrophilic polymer compounds, so in the process of use, it is necessary to select the thickener with appropriate performance according to the use requirements. At the same time, a better industrial thickener has the effect of gel, so it has a coordinating effect. Then we should pay attention to the close relationship between the concentration and consistency of industrial thickener. When the consistency is low, the viscosity is naturally low, so we should control the dosage when mixing.

Finally, if the industrial thickener is placed in water, its solvent performance is very poor, and it takes a long time for it to fully fuse. Sometimes there will be uneven phenomenon. In order to avoid these bad phenomena, first prepare the containers mentioned above, mix and add them in turn, and then stir them in turn.

Post time: Aug-03-2022